Glaxony, your help thru your own experience is very much appreciated. An overall statement is: kowledge and how to apply it is a powerful thing. I didn't mean to make such a general statement, but it is very applicable when you have used up everything you know and still need answers. I have some bloodroot growing in my back yard--transplanted from elsewhere where it grew in very rich, sandy soil. I knew nothing about it except it was stated as a rather poisonous herb. It should be taken with caution.
I have had such activity in my guts from the bugs for over 2 months that I wondered if perhaps they would get immune to something I was taking. I felt I needed another "ace up my sleeve" in case this truly was the case with the bugs I am trying to kill. Now, thanks to your help, I can or would consider taking bloodroot with some knowledge and forethought. Thank you for the link and for the info.