Fireguy & Spdina
I kind of figured it could at least help with a lot of dental issues. Mainly because before I found out about it, I always rinsed my mouth with H202, I had a real sensitive area at first, the H202 lit it up, but within a very short time it cleared it up, so
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement should work better. I don't have root canals, but I do have 2 crowns over live teeth.
I currently switched from H202 to one of those mouthwashes with chlorite til my
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement gets here. I am internally taking sodium chlorite, but it is the weaker strength I had mentioned I bought a while back. I am even getting mild die off from that! Just fluish in my body, not bad. But, on the positive side it has cleared up bad constipation, without diarrhea. Just very normal elimination now. And that really was a big issue with me.
So, I am really anxiously awaiting the stronger solution. My dad has advanced emphysema. I did see testimonies for it. His though could be considered end stage. I wonder if it is too late. I don't guess those lungs can really regrow with all the devastation huh?