Hi again, The reason I wanted to know about the strength of the dose is because some people have sought out Medical professional advise regarding strength. The Dr replied he would never use anything more than a 5% solution of Chlorine Dioxide. I believe the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement solution I am taking is far less. These same people are criticising me for using such a high amount. I am currently taking 8 drops 4 times a day. Previously I was taking 8 drops 5 times a day. I am trying to keep a good level in my body to irridicate any pathogens and their egg cases, as well as nesting places such as toxic plaques. It is my opinion that I have used many treatments in the past which just couldn't get to this level so I had reoccuring MS after treatments. It is my hope to stop this relapsing. I have taken LDN so have stopped the progression. I am making progress to complete health and with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement treatment for two months and 1 week have seen improved Lung, Kidney, Skin, Bladder, along with less edema and reduction in the size of my lymph glands over my body and under my arms. Thank you for your concern and time. MW