Will you be my fasting partner / coach?
I've fasted before, 5 days at most, and really feel the need to do it again. I've been reading about it all week and have been trying to do it by myself, but have had such a difficult time. I do so much better when I'm doing it with someone else! If I have someone to talk to... to say, "Hey, I made it today!" to at the end of the day...
I've been journaling, but that isn't quite cutting it.
Would anyone be interested in
Water Fasting with me?
I want to do a water fast. I want to start tonight, tomorrow, but would be willing to wait a couple days, ease into it with juices for a couple days before I cut out food all together.
Originally I wanted to do 9 to 10 days, but have read that it gets easier after that point and am considering to do it for even longer, but do not a pre-determined goal.
Please contact me if your interested. <3