Hey there BlueGreen,
I'm so glad that you replied. I have managed to get other people to want to fast as well and have attempted to make an online community for us to journal our progress and be able to support each other. Waiting until Sunday sounds fine. I was thinking about fasting on Monday. One women that replied to my post is currently juice fasting and will
Water Fast starting on Monday. I figured it would probably be best to just hop on that wagon with her. So although I wanted to jump right into
Water Fasting this weekend, I have decided to drink juice and eat raw foods only until Monday and then it's water. It's probably the best way to go anyway.
6 days sounds good. I'm going to go a bit longer, but can never predict how these things will go exactly.
I was also planning on fasting later on, near New Years and since you are too, then we can do that together.
Check out my post at:
I created a profile and a "blogring" and am hoping that others will follow suit. Even if I could just get one person to get involved, I think it would help me.
Alrighty, I hope to hear from you soon (on here, xanga, whatever).