Fantasy vs Creative Visualization
There is a difference between a fantasy, which will never manifest in reality, because it is never intended to, and creative visualization to manifest a specific state of mind, for the purpose of bringing about certain conditions in the world.
One of my favorite teachers says the best way to become a better lover is to become a better masturbator. I am suggesting that people make love to themselves, instead of fantasizing about things that will never happen, and could never happen. I am encouraging people to stop indulging themselves in ways that lead to disappointment when they are with a partner, and learn to appreciate what is.
There is a divine feminine and masculine in every single human being. It is your sexual being, your life force, your energy field. It is what keeps you alive and has the power to make you whole. I am suggesting that you develop and nurture the sacred sexual aspect of yourself, instead of denying it, ignoring it, or fantasizing about stuff that separates the sexual soul from reality.
We've been told it is idealistic and unrealistic to believe in loving relationships that continue to make the heart sing after the honeymoon is over, and that choosing to endure suffering is evidence of true love. We've been taught that people need to experience pain in order to know the meaning of pleasure. Teachers who say this to keep marriages together don't know how to help people manifest sacred sexual relationships. The best advice they can offer is wait until you've got a piece of paper that guarantees you half the assets, wear a ring that says "off limits", be faithful to your partner and kiss at the altar with the community as witness.
They don't teach anybody how to make love in a way that makes sex itself (not just standing in front of the altar and kissing with everybody watching, but the entire consummate sexual experience), a holy ritual that opens a portal to heavenly bliss. Transformational sex obliterates the ego. In order to have an experience of completion on all levels, you must be willing to do the work of purification on all levels. I bow to the people here for being willing to think for themselves, and do the work of purification, instead of relying on religious authorities to dictate moral behavior, and obtaining pills from doctors to deaden the pain while they slowly suffer and die.
I am dreaming of a world where where the soul doesn't need suffering as a reference point to know joy. I am co-creating a community of people who respect (as opposed to ignore and neglect) the inherent longing in their hearts for a deep and profoundly satisfying sexual union, because they know it is a real possibility, and they want to make it happen. I am encouraging those who are discouraged, but still have hope, to know it is possible, imagine how it would feel, and dream about it, for the purpose of making it so, and it shall be. Amen.
There is the law, and there was a promise. Those who understand, respect and use the law for the benefit and good of all concerned, shall enter the promised land, for it is the way, the truth and the life. You are light of the world. This is the Christ Consciousness. You must accept this in your heart, and become a living extension of Christ consciousness, in order to have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear what is happening, when by grace you are saved from the generations-old habits and behaviors that have prevented you from realizing the presence of love in your life. Aho.