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Century 6 Quatrain 24: A calamitous war under Cancer
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Century 6 Quatrain 24: A calamitous war under Cancer


At the time of this writing (30 November 2007), reports come to me of a sudden spike in Pentagon orders for civilian tankers to haul hundreds of thousands of tons of jet air fuel to US Fifth Fleet ships, carriers and bases across the Persian Gulf. The Pentagon's sudden move to issue orders to civilian cargo companies has been a marker in the past suggesting that war is imminent. A similar move happened just prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The US Navy tops their gas tanks for war while the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who sail their own naval forces, have taken over command of the larger Iranian regular navy. We may expect more aggressive brinksmanship on the waters of the Persian Gulf and through the narrow passage of the Strait of Hormuz where so much of the world's imported oil will pass in tankers threading through waterways crowded with Iranian and US warships on high alert, playing chicken.

Is the US Fifth Fleet revving up for war or just getting ready for more maneuvers -- a show of force in the strait? Are airstrikes against Iran coming soon? Weeks or months from now? On the other hand, is the US fuel-up of wing tanks and tensions another try at poking the Iranians into a military incident? Two Gulf of Tonkin goads by US warships in 1964 got a response from the North Vietnamese -- one authentic though minor. A second false flag incident two nights later gave Johnson his war in Vietnam. Will an incident during the Christmas holidays make a Gulf of Tonkin tête-à-tête in the Gulf of Persians? Just what one might expect during a Mars in Cancer transit in early August 1964 or late 2007 through the spring of 2008.

We enter the last astrological windows in time for a Bush administration's rush to act under the star sign of disaster and spawn their calamitous war with Iran as Nostradamus may have foreseen. Bush has defined himself over the years as "the Decider" in his presidency, but I believe insecure, immature souls like his, burdened or seduced by great political and military power, are more subliminally induced to decide courses of action while under the influence of collective unconscious cosmic forces as they are defined in political astrology. The current Mars transit of Cancer began on 29 September almost immediately after which the President escalated his war threats and bellicose rhetoric in public -- a clear sign of Mars waxing its kindling aggressiveness in Cancer, his Sun sign. In November, Mars began slowing down its forward progress through Cancer just as it began a near perfect conjunction over Bush's natal sun. The war drumming of the president was no longer strident in the first half of November, more rather distracted. The talk of a strike on Iran lessened as if progress to that end had slackened. By 15 November, Mars had stopped just one degree off an exact conjunction with Bush's natal Sun in Cancer and began lurching backwards in retrograde.

Have you noticed a significant drop in news traffic about war and official White House statements against Iran since mid November? I predict it will later be disclosed that impediments to forward progress on secret US war plans had hit a snag. For one thing, Iran has cut off its smuggling of weapons across the border to Shia militias in Iraq. It has been leaked that the Bush administration in late October, early November, was changing tactical goals from a 2,000 target, three-day airstrike to a more modest punitive strike on Iranian Revolutionary Guard staging bases across the border of Iraq where armaments to Shia militias are prepared. Rather than destroy the nuclear program of Iran and most of its missiles and military infrastructure, an alternate plan would go after those staging bases.

The congressional vote to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization was part of that plan. Iran did not take the bait, stopped shipments and there you have it, a retrograde, or reverse in escalation that has postponed the war the president so desperately wants to fulfill his destiny.

The ego (Sun) is in a conjunction with a retrograde Mars over the most "macho" aspect for the president. He will be willfully desirous to exert his power potential and will to action (Mars) in some aggressive and self-assertive act, but the retrograde is like a wall against which such desires slam.

I predict that the war will not happen this year. Thankfully, we have weathered many windows for that war since late 2006, but time and time again, the object of this devastation does not step into the US trap. The Iranians retreat and wait. Iran is playing a clever game, taking the president's enemy away by not stoking his apocalyptic fire. The great "Decider" must be feeling a bit frustrated and flat about Iran right now since Mars slowing down at 12 degrees Cancer remained one degree off an exact conjunction with both the US and the president's natal Sun positions starting from 09 until 23 November. Even Bush's chief consigliere for "Arma-Irani-geddon" had a health set back. The Vice President and Chief of Neo-Cons in the White House, Dick Cheney, had to get his irregular heart zapped back in line. Illness often shadows political disappointments in high places where overstressed men toil.

The war funk and muddle for the president and his vice president should continue all the way through the first three weeks of December. On 31 December, Mars leaves Cancer and continues its backwards retreat into Gemini. Now the plans for war will become most intense and aggressively argued in secret meetings of cabinet members and Pentagon brass with the president and vice president. Look for the most spirited debates for or against going for war happening throughout January 2008. While the rest of the country's collective attention is on the primaries picking Republican and Democratic candidates for the coming presidential elections, inside the White House and Pentagon heated debates to do it or forget it, jump or scrap the Iranian airstrike plan will be going on with unprecedented intensity. This is because Mars will retreat backwards over its natal position in the birth chart of the Untied States, which is 21 degrees Gemini, from 20 January to 12 February 2008. That is the period where it is possible your prayers and meditations for peace might sway the hearts of those within halls of power who might put their trust one last time on a last minute diplomatic solution with Iran.

Mars moves direct course out of Gemini into Cancer on 5 March 2008 for a final charge through the sign of US military disaster Thus we come to the final window, the final chance for neo-Conservatives while still in power and influence to make it happen.

Mars will pass exactly over the US natal Sun position in the second week of April 2008. It must be remembered that the Sun in aspect with other planets has what is called in astrology an "orb of influence" of 10 degrees plus or minus the exact conjunction. That means the best time window for a strike on Iran opens around Ides of March (15 March) through 23 April 2008.

Bush's birth chart has Saturn in Cancer in the 12th house. This house rules the subconscious mind, unconscious emotional blocks and mental patterns. It is the home of escapism, self-deception, illusion. The 12th house shows an individual where his spiritual awareness is needed to transcend illusions of his ego. The 12th house teaches us to relax in consciousness through meditation and prayer and face our illusions, understand our karma. Through this understanding our state of eternal liberation from the illusory ego is remembered. As Osho used to say of us, "You are already Buddhas, pretending not to be…"

President Bush has Saturn in Cancer in the 12th House. I have compassion for him, although my natal Saturn is in Scorpio, in the 12th house. To survive and thrive under its karmically hard "gifts" one must find a technique of self-observation to open some distance between the witnessing soul within and the surrounding body-mind and world along the soul's periphery. Understanding comes with reflection and willingness to "respect" (that is -- look closer) at one's mental delusions and blind spots. More specifically for the president, he must question his "gut" instincts and question whether the voice that answers his prayers is God or a voice of mental illness. A 12th-house Saturn conjures such daemons from the subconscious. 

President Bush's Saturn in Cancer is in its detriment. The ruler of karma and reality checks for invisible enemies, unconscious motivations -- delusions, talking to God, etc. -- is also negatively squared Bush's planet for expansion of his mind, such as Jupiter. His Sun in the 12th House is within the orb of square with Neptune -- the sign of messianic self-delusions. He should NEVER listen to his gut, or to voices from above until he acquires more self-awareness about his mind. The president, as we know, is rather proud of the fact that he does not spend time in contemplation or introspection of his decisions.

Mars in Cancer will pass over the president's natal Saturn in the first week of May 2008. If war has not happened by then, I intuit that the president with his aspects magnified by Mars will be quite angry and frustrated with Iran and with those at home in Congress including a majority of the American people for not supporting his great plans. What must he do, become a dictator to get things done?!.
He is going to be one very ornery cuss. He could explode. The delusional voice of God in his hot noggin will rage and lust for divine retribution against "Magog" (read Iran). Really, if there ever was a time in the long presidency of George W. Bush when a chief executive can make an altogether rash and psychotic decision to unilaterally go to war, May 2008 is it!

In a favorably aspected chart this conjunction would draw out potentials that are noble, Spartan, the heart of a warrior of prudence, cautiousness. It might bring out in his persona untapped virtues of a formidable, tough man of martial action. In Bush's unfavorable birth chart with its Sun and Saturn spiritually inhibited and prone to messianic self-delusion, the warrior potential that will rise in him in the early weeks of May 2008 could be vengeful, angry, armored tight with malice and hard feelings, desirous of payback and inflicting great violence on the object of his revenge. A deep-seated anger, suppressed by his fell aspected 12th house all through his presidency might suddenly explode during this conjunction in deliberate acts of devastation. The great "Decider" becomes the great "Dictator" of war -- perhaps even of America. He could be looking for just cause or simply let a just cause happen, such as an act of terrorism in America so that a state of emergency brings him ultimate Mars-in-Cancer martial law powers.

If we take the most generally accepted birth chart (Sibly) for the United States, with Sagittarius rising, then both President Bush "and" America on different dates in different centuries were born with a Sun EXACTLY 13 Degrees Cancer. It is why 13 is the magic number of the nation. The thirteen stripes, the thirteen stars of the original Revolutionary War flag are the degrees of a natal Sun sign made manifest.

If we penetrate the symbolic meaning of this number more abstractly, the country many Christians believe was built on the bible has Christ as the 13th man with 12 disciples. Is such a magnification of 13 for president and nation a sign of Christ's blessing or a destiny akin to unlucky Friday the Thirteenth for America?

It depends on whether a potentially delusional president in the spring of 2008 can be lassoed back to political sanity and corralled for a time-out by those around him who remember they have sworn to defend the US Constitution.

If war happens after May, it would be a thing forced on America by actions of Iran or Israel. The latter seeing its support in the White House suppressed or politically hobbled by legal constraints of Congress, strikes Iran's major nuclear installations at Arak, Bushere, Isfahan and Natanz. Israeli jets will perform this with the skills learned in a trial run strike in early September 2007 on a suspicious installation in Syria, purported to be a base for a North Korean supported Syrian nuclear weapons research program.

The end of the Bush era may not see the end of the danger of an American-Iranian war. Even estimates of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) will concede the possibility that Iran could fashion a crude nuclear device in three years rather than ten. A future war, therefore, is a possible challenge for the next US president after Bush. Astrologically speaking, Mars returns to Cancer from 26 August to 16 October 2009, magnifying urges to rush into a calamitous war under Cancer yet again when it is in exact conjunction with the US Sun sign in the third week of September 2009.

We may pray for a new president unencumbered by such an afflicted and potentially delusional aspected birth chart, to be in command, when the next crisis falls. Perhaps Nostradamus gives us a rare glimmer of hope in the second part of his "calamitous war" prophecy how things will turn out:

Mars and the scepter (of Jupiter) will meet in conjunction,A calamitous war under Cancer:A short time afterward a new king will be anointed,Who will bring peace to the earth for a long time. [Century 6 Quatrain 24]

Is he talking about the next president "anointed" or inaugurated as president in late January 2008? Will he, or "she" give peace a chance?

ENDJohn Hogue(30 November 2007)


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