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The body’s cholesterol is almost exclusively excreted through bile and the interrelationship between blood cholesterol levels or serum lipids and cholesterol
Gallstones has been studied frequently. The ability of the body to efficiently produce and dispose of bile is crucial to maintaining a healthy balance (ratios rather absolute measurement) of fat lipids. The right kind of foods (raw and unrefined) can help dissolve cholesterol excreted in bile and evacuate excess cholesterol as faecal matter. Most of the cholesterol produced by the liver is recycled by being absorbed through the ileum; a part of the intestines between the small and large colon. The cholesterol is absorbed into the portal artery and filtered out by the liver to be reused.
Liver Flushing helps to establish an efficient cholesterol cycle in the body when combined with other lifestyle changes.
High triglycerides levels (Hypertriglyceridemia) is associated with an increased risk of gallstones. Increased total cholesterol is not associated with an increased risk and is probably associated with a decreased risk of gallstone disease. Not surprisingly, drugs that alter serum lipid levels have important effects on cholesterol secretion in bile, and hence on cholesterol gallstone formation.
HDL is one of the classes of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. HDL is considered to be beneficial because it removes excess cholesterol and disposes of it. Hence HDL cholesterol is often termed “good” cholesterol.
LDL is a type of lipoprotein that also carries cholesterol in the blood. LDL is considered to be undesirable because it deposits excess cholesterol in walls of blood vessel and contributes to “hardening of the arteries” and heart disease. Hence LDL cholesterol is often termed “bad” cholesterol.
Triglycerides are the body's storage form for fat. Most triglycerides are found in adipose (fat) tissue. Some triglycerides circulate in the blood to provide fuel for muscles to work. Extra triglycerides are found in the blood after eating a meal—when fat is being sent from the gut to adipose tissue for storage.
The ratios of HDL:LDL:Triglycerides can be an important indicator for health issues; perhaps more important that the absolute figures. It is not necessarily a measurement of liver dysfunction but may speak volumes about our lifestyle and health history. Many factors can upset the balance or processes in the body, including longterm environmental issue, stress, infection, diet, etc.
I am sorry to hear that you have unexplained muscle fatigue and that you awake being unrefreshed from your nights sleep. These are signs that are difficult to interpret being common to a number of conditions. I had a host of conditions that were consistent with fibromyalia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I started
Liver Flushing because I had biliary pain but it has helped considerable to reduce the number and severity of symptoms associated with my syndrome. I have a few symptoms left and my search for a complete cure continues. Apart from maintenance
Liver Flushing I maintain a good circadian cycle of sleep, I carry out a stretch routine each day, take exercise, maintain a good attitude by being relaxed and phycologically aware, and try to eat wholesomely. This enables me to avoid 'life-stylitis' which is an unnecessary complication.