My ultrasounds readings +edit
My start here Feb'03 ultrasound said 1" gallstone, stone blocking neck of gallbladder, inflammation, wall thickness 42mm instead of 3 mm. Saw surgeon told me needed surgery, told him I would think about it and would call him back, of course never did.
Started flushing right away.
10 months later stone free floating, inflammation gone, wall back to normal.
Now stone still same size, but no symptoms, do flushes a few times a year so I won't create new stones.
Of course I improved my lifestyle over the years.
Edit: May be I should add after 10 months all my allergies gone, all lifelong aches and pains gone. Went off 6 prescription drugs (incl 3 anti-depressants).
Changed my lifestyle of course, probably around the 3rd month or so. Did not know about colon/parasites/kidney cleansing, did not get around to that till much later.
All the positive results I got were a complete surprise to me, I just came here because I did not want surgery.