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Re: losing my memory

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 19 y
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Re: losing my memory

Hi Janey

Janey to give you hope.

My job requires memory and mental facilites in a big way.

4 years ago thinking I was doing a good thing I removed 15 amulgum filling from my mouth over about 8 months. Within 6-8 months I became VERY ill. Mostly mental symptoms. of the 12 odd Mercury symptoms I had about 10. Over the coming months I was in a BAD way, and getting worse. Cam every close to losing my sanity. Later found that the body stores mercury in fat. the brain is mostly fat. thus your mental symptoms.The body has a ZERO , I repeat ZERO tolerance for mercury.

Now the good news.

Out of desperation I went to brazil to see the healer John Of God. ( (that experienc in its own right was without dowbt one of the most amazing two week long experiences of my entire life, and belive me I have see a lot) Each time I went to Brazil I came away feeling better, but still not knoing what did it. Upon my last visit, I came to chat to a women who put me onto the concept of heavy metal poisoning.

To cut a long story short, she in turn gave me the number of a women in the US who is one of the US's leading experts (unconventional) with fixing HM problems.She gets results. Her solution was... fix my diet ie Vegan, take various suppliments that she recomended. All awesome to help repair damage. Make use of a FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) sauna to get the mercury out of the skin and fat, and assist the repair work with a pulsating magnetic matress. Im three months into all of this, and have got my metal faculties back, no long have depression, and am on my road to recovery. Still not there yet. As an aside I am dealing Candida and a leaky gut, both brought on by the Mercury envoironment. Howveer mainstream wont accepot this. fact is remove the mercury and the Candida goes away.

I can HIGHLY recommend the FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) sauna.If there were one thing that got me feeling better straight away it was this. (See the book, Detox or Die Dr. Sherry Rogers.) Try to find one near you and give it a spin for 30 - 40 min and see how you feel afterwards. It must be one of the most helpfull and benificial devices ever invented.

email me back chanel on if you have any questions.

I would suggest you make a toptal commitment to getting this resolved, or you will wrestle with it for a life time. I nearly did.


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