18 y
Re: Screwed up circumcision
Horse Chestnut and Ginkgo Biloba are both very helpful for varicose veins.
There is a product called LegVeins by Natures way, that helps varicose veins anywhere in the body. I've also found a product called Vein Factors that will help heal varicose veins.
There are microbes living in the human body, that will colonize areas of high stress, and weaken the veins. If you take herbs containing nutrients that support healthy veins, it will help your body to diminish the colony, and eliminate them.
I am sorry this is happening to you. When I got married, my grandmother had a talk with me. She said, "If you ever have a baby boy, do NOT circumcise him. It is cruel. Use a q-tip or bobby pin and apply mineral oil to the tip of his penis twice a day, and slowly work it under the foreskin. If you do this twice a day, you can slowly pull the foreskin back little by little, without hurting him. If begin cleaning him like this right after he is born, within about two months, you will be able to pull the foreskin all the way back, painlessly. Then, every time you give him a bath, you must be sure to pull the foreskin back and wash his gland. When he is old enough to bathe himself, teach him how to pull his foreskin back, and wash underneath it. If you will do this for a baby boy, then when he is adult, it will look like he has been circumcised."
It is a crying shame that women are not taught how to care for baby boys properly, as a foreskin problem, and damage from circumcision, can be a very difficult challenge for men. Not to mention the trauma of having it done, without anesthesia, because they don't think a baby will remember it.