Here's a Start...
The 'heroic' method of healing says that if there is something 'bad' in the body then it must be attacked (chopped off, cut out, radiated etc). The body has been 'invaded' or violated and so the response is to attack it back. That's heroic thinking.
An opposing mindset is that the body is self-intelligent and with the proper nurturing and assistance can accomplish its task of self healing in a gentler loving manner. This is advocated by the herbalists of the wise woman way (WWW) such as Susun Weed. I think there is truth in this and have been leaning lately in that direction. For myself I have been trying to find a balance between heroic and WWW.
As for your mother with 'MS'. This condition can have several different causes and I would suggest that you obtain proper diagnosis before embarking on treatment. 'MS' is another label like ALS or Lupus or Alzheimers that is a way of designating symptoms (tremors, fatigue, dementia etc.) but it is NOT a diagnosis. It is a label in name only.
I believe there ia a lot that can be done for your mum and like you I would not in any way give up on her. I am a fan of EVA testing. It determines exactly what systems in the body need the most amount of assistance first. It will also pinpoint the exact type of toxicity the body has encountered. It will also determine whether a particular remedy is compatible for her body. Much can be done without going to the extreme heroic measure of yanking out fillings or teeth.
You should also look into Lyme Disease as a cause which the EVA test will determine. I am not convinced that the
Amalgams are the cause of her 'MS' but am willing to say that they certainly could be a factor. The reason I say this is I have massive fillings in many of my teeth and do not have 'MS'. There may or may not be a connection in your mums case. Get it checked out first.
Research the use of clay baths beginning with footbaths initially since you want to move out toxins but not too quickly in the beginning. Research the use of Waiora zeolite drops or PCA-rx chelation. These are pricey so the clay baths might be a good first step.
The real key to detox carefully is that the body becomes more stressed out when the poisons start moving around. Proper nutrients are necessary especially Glutatione. You can buy precursor powders for Glutathione that will offset much discomfort when detoxing. I have personal experience that this really works quite well. I believe that a simple way to give the body nutritional support is through green smoothies. (see They advocate the use of the whole green vegetable and not just the juice. They say that a fresh juice will turn color quickly whereas a whole leaf juice can be kept for hours without turning. They also feel that a pure juice without the fiber is unbalanced. The juice stirs up the toxins and the fiber neutralises them so they work together in balance.
Also it is important to keep the bowels open. This is probably one of the most important things for detox.