Re: I just bought my first bottle of Colloidal Silver today - dose and ppm questions
Bless your heart ironfist, I hope you are feeling better.
First of all, you cannot overdose on colloidal silver. I take one tablespoon a day, although sometimes I forget. If I should become ill, I take three tablespoons a day and that does the trick. Immediately. Let me tell you what happened to me just yesterday. I woke up with a horrendous sore throat, so horrendous, I believe it was strep. I could not swallow anything cold. Forget about taking vitamins. I started my colloidal silver regimen. However, I felt so very bad and I am due to sing on Sunday, that I believe I took four tablespoons yesterday. And I gargled with it too. and yes, I also took apple cider vinegar and honey. straight. That way on the way down while it is stinging, it is killing the germs, although the colloidal silver also kills them. I took two doses of apple cider vinegar and honey. Of course, if you are diabetic, do not take the honey.
Well, yesterday evening, I noticed that my sore throat was bearable and I was able to swallow, so I was able to take my vitamins at night. You said you took airborne? I am not sure I would take that. I would not take tamiflu either. I know that tamiflu has very serious side effects, although I am not really familiar with airborne, but I would not take that.
The Colloidal Silver I use is from Utopia Silver and I am going to tell you that they are of the finest quality. LOL! However, I have had one other mishap, where this colloidal silver saved me from a horrendous infection. The story of Precious the Cat that I picked up and gave a home to. You had to be there.
I moderate the Ask Tony Isaacs Forum and I will tell you that he's absolutely brilliant. Feel free to ask him anything. If he does not know, he will find out for you.