I couldn't think of something clever for the headline because I had to jump headfirst into this situation. He's 42 and still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up? KICK HIM OUT ON HIS A**!!!! Will you please do this?!! He wants to screw you when convenient and keep a loose leash, get the message, sweetheart. That's what we guys do. If you give it to us for free, we take it. As Cher once stated in "Moonstruck"..."SNAP OUT OF IT!!" Accept no more sperm from this donor. Don't move in with any guy. Don't date guys who's last music purchase was "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Stay within your age group, it's easier on everybody. You want children don't you? Yeah, I thought so. Guys who don't want kids are creepy. Something's just not right with those guys. When a man states to you in a "matter of fact" way that kids are not in his future, that's your signal to depart. There's a reason this guy is still searching. That's enough good advice for now...