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Ah heck, I can't sleep anyway...
Alikat Views: 1,536
Published: 18 y
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Ah heck, I can't sleep anyway...

You or some others may ask why I was so abrupt in my answer.  Well, that's sometimes my style is the partial answer, but here's a more complete one:

To err is human.  We all goof in life, some goofs are bigger than others, but we all goof.  You two goofed by getting into something way too quickly.  BUT... a real gentleman, when he has erred like this,  would have said to you, look, "I got carried away by your nice qualities and blah, blah, blah, but after a short period under the same roof I realize that we are not as compatible as I had hoped.   I'm very sorry this has happened, but it will be better on the two of us if I leave now."   Then, a true gentleman would leave A.S.A.P and go anywhere, his mother's house, a good buddy, the downtown YMCA, whatever, but a true gentleman would not stick around for his own convenience sending mixed messages to buy him time.   A true gentleman would offer to help you financially, materially or in any way needed in order to help you get back to whatever situation you had before he came in and temporarily rerouted your life.  He would do this with no strings attached and making it very clear that he's only being concientious of the trouble he has caused you.

It's obvious from all the red flags he's displayed that he has a hard time with commitment.  (understatement!!!!)  That he doesn't want to get married or have children SHOULD matter to you, even if you don't want these things either, simply because they are indicators to the level of commitment of which he is capable.

So that's it in a nutshell why I answered you that way, and in conclusion  I still say, yes! Let it go!!!

And again, God bless you.



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