Thanks for posting that Mike, it's really useful to know, though sorry to hear things aren't good for you. Were you not taking liver or endocrine support? Or you're saying that wasn't enough? I suppose just taking ALA can be too much for some people.
Yes ideally we'd all have some sort of professional support. I know I can't trust my own judgement at times.
I think a naturopathic approach goes well with chelation. I'm going to start castor oil packing again and then maybe flush as my liver is under stress. Part of the white of my eyes have gone yellow recently which I haven't had for ages and I've been feeling quite low. Yesterday I felt like giving up, chelation is very difficult and I've been really struggling some days recently either on or off rounds. I feel my endocrine system is whacked. I'd prefer to just go and live on an island somewhere and forget the whole thing!