Re: Now you've done it!
I've been reading here since the forum started, but I can't remember if I ever posted or not. I have gone to the Best Years Website and have done a little reading there. I want to order some of the colloidal silver y'all talk about, but I just had to replace my car and I'm so deep in debt, I doubt I'll be ordering anything in the near future.
I have been at Curezone about five years. I came to seek information on liver flushing. I had injured my back and after getting frustrated by doctors inability to help me with anything other than narcotic painkillers I went to a chiropractor/naturopath. He taught me so much and along with doing cleanses and fasts, plus good chiropractic care I regained about 80% of my health. Two years later a large deer jumped out of some brush and on to my car. That further damaged my back and I can no longer walk. My doctor says it is nerve damage and I may get better, or I may not.
I love learning about natural healing and health. My great-grandmother and great-great grandmother were Cherokee "Yarb" doctors and mid-wives. My grandmother knew just about every wild plant around here. However, my Dad went modern and rejected the more natural lifestyle. I am afraid the SAD diet, an unhealthy lifestyle and misguided doctors shortened his life.
I love to read your posts about health, recipes and especially your faith. My faith has been severely tested and I am afraid I've come up short too many times. I'll be coming here more often after introducing myself.