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Re: Maintenance dose?
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Re: Maintenance dose?

I have no idea about how much mercury I have in my body, I have never seen a MD for that I believe they would be of no help for my problems (Asperger's syndrome (autism family), candida overgrowth).

I've done a few rounds of ALA chelation in the past, using 100mg every 3 hours (or 4, during the night and when I forget to take it...) for 3 days on, 4 days off. I also had done many other things for my health, and a few months after those "rounds", I could say that I felt better, but there is no way I can be sure it is related to the chelation.

I've recently used cilantro too. Used some MSM and Chlorella in the past (I know, unrecommended). Using N-acetyl-cysteine right now.

I'm not sure if I really have too much mercury, and if I do, I'm not sure if the excretion of mercury is defective due to genes or is curable (if it was caused by candida overgrowth). What I'd like to do is do ~8 more rounds of chelation, I think I would consider myself mercury free then (not 100% of course...), and then I would have used ALA as an antioxidant, since it seems to be pretty effective and is cheap, and it could also serve as a "maintenance" chelator.

I'm only talking about mercury, but in fact all heavy metals might be a problem.
Lead: live with my parents, they smoke...
Mercury: Mom had Amalgams for a long time, I was vaccinated in the late 80's so pretty sure there was thimerosal there, used Antibiotics many time when I was very young (otitis) and I've read a study that show Antibiotics decrease mercury excretion.

By the way, I'm winning the fight against the candida overgrowth.


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