Banaba tea: Useful in cleansing kidneys to support the liver flush
Hi fellow flushers,
This is a reposting of information on anything you might want to know about Banaba tea.
Liver Flushes produce toxins which can accumulate in the kidneys and cause stones, pain and infection. I've used Banaba tea any time I noticed kidney problems (puffy under the eyes, lower back pain) and always after doing a liver flush, ever since Ghostfalcon advised me to try it.
Moritz says we should cleanse our kidneys every 4 liver flushes. I think that is good advice, and you could use any method you like. This particular tea is good for starting, as it clears the tubing so that more thorough cleanses will not dump toxins into ducts which are clogged with star-shaped kidney stones. It's mild, and tastes great!
It's a very long post, with my own experience at the beginning, a case supported by medical testing (Ghostfalcon), and then a comprehensive set of links with descriptions so you can find whatever information you need, quickly. Near the end are several links to suppliers, including one very long link to a cheap eBay supplier in Thailand (shipping and 1-month's worth of tea about $25, shipment to the USA in 2 - 3 weeks).
I hope this information can help someone out there who is suffering from agonizing lower back pain, stiffness in the lower back, and signs of edema (water retention) in the lower legs, wrists, and under the eyes.
Good luck to all!