Noticed an interesting improvement
Just thought I'd post this to see if anyone else is getting these results.
I've been really chelating hard core lately. I feel I've gotten most of the mercury out and now I'm pulling something else ( Arsenic?, Lead?, Old Pizza Crust? ) no idea what.
Anyway, I've noticed a "interesting" improvement. My emotions are much more centered. I'm less angry when I'm mad, less sad when I'm depressed, and much less likely to worry about things. I still get moments when I can't make decisions like I used to.
I just thought I'd metion it, in case anyone else is seeing similar improvements.
BTW - I'm chelating with DHLA now. Pure and very expensive, but it still seems to chelate. Seems a little more "gentle" on the body. It doesn't make me want to gag or sneeze going down like convential ALA does. Of course, I don't know of any research to back up chelation with DHLA, I just thought I'd try it.