Hi there, just thought I'd check in and congratulate you on hanging in there. I am on Day 1 of a 10 day MC. This is my 3rd Master-Cleanse and I thought it would be great to get a quick cleanse in before the holiday parties all kicked in (although I am missing a few this week since I can't bear to go to them while I do this).So...hopefully we can encourage one another. Usually there are lots of cleansers on this blog but from what I have read in the recent entries...its been "all quiet on the front". Anyway, regarding the SWF, I think you need to do it every day since that really gets rid of the toxins you are releasing. I am lucky since I don't have problems with it ...but I do find it tough to sleep at night whenever I do the Master-Cleanse so we'll see how it goes this time! Best of luck with your Master-Cleanse and hope your hands warm up! Try swinging your arms around (clockwise or counterclockwise) to get the blood flowing down there!