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MC Day 2
roooth Views: 2,083
Published: 18 y

MC Day 2

I did a Liver Flush 3 days ago, ate dinner that day, then started the MC. I really feel pretty bad in my bellie. Not detox, but feel bad as a direct result of drinking the salt water. I always feel a bit nauseated and have to be still for a bit, but it is hours later. I also have twinges of a bladder infection that I hope goes away without intervention: if I have to treat it, I will have to break the Master-Cleanse and start again. Now a bladder infection is my bodies way of responding! And I usually have some twinges of an infection when drinking the Epsom Salts from the Liver Flush. If it is still there tonight, I may try and drink some Apple Cider Vinegar but I'm hoping just drinking the liquids of the Master-Cleanse will be enough to help it go away. So wish me luck with my yukky tummy and UTI.

Other than that, I feel normal. No headache, bad taste in mouth so maybe my tongue is starting to coat...

How is everyone else doing? b4life, how are you and hubby? Is it the first time for you two?


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