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monique_1 Views: 1,662
Published: 18 y
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"Compare that to the western lifestyle and you can see why so many people have bowel problems today. It’s a wonder some people don’t have yeast overgrowth!"

I have had this thought myself several times, and I am so worried for my friends and family, specially my friends that party a lot and eat really bad. I try to tell them about their precious intestinal flora and how to not completely wash it out, but it's like talking to a wall. On several of them I can see signs of candida, and they only see symtoms and frustration.
When I first told my Doctor about candida, years ago, I said that I suspected a systemic fungal infection since I feel like crap, they said that there is no such thing. I mentioned the word dysbiosis in the gut and she laughed.

So, I blame society for lying and lying and not teaching people common sense about health.

And there was a case where my friends sister, several months after she had been at Cyprus, got diarrhea and eliminated white strings = worms, and went to the doc and told them. They said that it was nothing to worry about and that its common to become infected on trips, and the worms would die on their own in time.



I just had to vent a little ;)



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