Re: Need serious help w/5yo 8-week long cough
Here are a variety of natural cough remedies
from EarthClinic~~
I like using this product to amp up the immune
If the cough is affecting the throat, a little
toddy of apple cider vinegar, honey and warm
water is what I always gave my child. She is now
grown but still uses it because it is so effective.
The honey attracts the bacteria, the vinegar (use
the kind with the "mother")dehydrates the bacteria
and it dies.
If the sinuses are affected, I would probably
also use nasal irrigation with some warm water
Sea Salt . It is so simple a child can do it.
I can also suggest using Himalayan Salt if you
can find it. I can buy it in bulk at Whole Foods
and it is very reasonable that way. I also will
use Redmonds. Do NOT use iodized salt...
I can find these irrigators in my local health
food store but if you cannot, you can find them
This company ships the same day~~|4574...
Personally, I would continue using the Olive Leaf
Extract. You can find Olive Leaf in drops and can
dose that way for children.
I hope your son feels better soon~!
best wishes,