I would love your thoughts on all the colds I have had in the last 7 months. I got the first one when I was doing Tachyon products. I was warned to go slow, but I was feeling so much better that I did not pace myself. That was in April, I think they were saying it was from "detox". Then I got a homeopathic remedy in October and within a few days got a second cold. Then last week I got another one. Only triggers last time were possibly going to a gym, sitting in the jacuzzi and my eyes were hurting, I assume from chemicals. It was awful. Also that day or the next, I started thinking my ferritin level was high enough and I should maybe stop my iron supplements, because they can be bad for you if you don't need them anymore.
I am trying to understand then concept of colds as detoxyfying. That would expalin each one I have had, but it is a little weird because I ususally only get one a year. Thanks for your thoughts!