Public jacuzzis are often little bacterial soups
which are easily inhaled when the steam and action
of the air jets create fine droplets of contamination
and bacteria which you inhale. I doubt a gym could
keep one clean enough to suit me. Especially with
MRSA being almost epidemic, it would not be worth
the risk to me to enjoy one.
It takes time to amp up your immune system and so
until you do, whenever you pick up germs you stand
a good chance of having to deal with it. Once you
have cleansed and rid your body of the other factors
which also compromise your immune system, like
parasites, yeast and whatever else you may be dealing
with, you will find that you can escape a roomful of
snotting, sniffling people without much problem.
You cannot escape exposure since, unless you live in
a bubble, you will handle doors, shopping carts, and
any number of other surfaces others have touched.
If you have noticed, many do not practice good hygiene
and, so often, are carrying things like fecal matter
on their hands and other bacteria or germs which
are coughed up and transmitted easily to you via
day to day life. Washing hands regularly and being
mindful of touching your mouth, eyes, and face with
your hands after touching stuff in public can lower
your exposure. Washing hands especially before eating
is important. Practicing good hygiene yourself is
another key to keeping your germ load down. Fresh
underwear, sheets, clothes...all contribute to
keeping you healthier. Wholesome foods and supplements
which amp up the immune system are also good. In
the winter I like taking echinacea and olive leaf
extract as herbs which help keep me healthy. Fresh
juices, especially those with vitamin C are also
helpful. If I do get a cold, I use Sambucol which is
a natural remedy with elderberry syrup.
This product was developed overseas but I can find it
in the States as it is carried in all good health food
stores now...