If it feels strange then back of a little bit. Work your way up to a "glug." Listen to your body. Start with just a drop or two of ACV if that is what it take. Everyone believes if a little is good for you then a lot is bound to be better. This is not the case. Your gut is probably very alkaline so the natural acids in the apple cider vinegar are probably backing up. Start slow. Give the ACV and salt a better chance to work. I would probably even do the Sea Salt and ACV at different times. Drink three or four cups of distilled water with just a tiny amount half of a pinch of Sea Salt in it well before or after meals. Drink a cup of water or diluted juice with just a drop or two of ACV ten minutes before a heavy meal one or two times a day. Add just small increments to this amount and only when you body tells you to. The best natural treatments are not drugs but rather food that balances your bodies needs. ACV and Sea Salt are fantastic food supplements that can be vey good for you if done consciously.