I'm resorting to getting on drugs
I have struggled with mild to moderate acne for over 10 years. I have a face that is full of deep scars to show for it. I have kept trying to "cure" myself for years with natural medicine and have done everything under the sun.
Fasts, colon cleanses, liver flushes, great diet, all of the supplements, etc, etc, etc..
I always used to have pustules (usually large) but now I am developing massive cysts on my face (some the size of walnuts under the skin).
My face is already so scarred!!!!! I can't even imagine what kind of scarring these cysts are going to leave.
I have finally decided that I am going to go on accutane or some other powerful acne medicine.
I have tried to heal myself with natural medicine for 10 years and all I am left with is scars and worse acne. I cannot take any more scars, period.
I would rather have a messed up liver than more scars on my face. I have finally reached the end of my rope.