Re: Questions for Wintergreen/anyone who is chelating
Thanks for your reply wintergreen, that's really helpful :)
>Couple of days ago I tried to do 50 mg, and realized very soon I was hitting my limit.
Did you reduce your dose back to 33mg within the same round? I'm wondering whether to continue with lower doses in this round as now I'm feeling nauseous and vaguely feel like I'm losing my balance, though I'm not. My breath is very sulphury too! I've also been eating sulphur foods the last few days (which I should be careful with), which probably hasn't helped!
I just found out from TK (moderator in the freq dose chel group) that it's ok to prepare ahead with won't affect the freshness.
>A related issue would be how long a bottle of ALA would be good for after you open it.
I e-mailed Kirkmans (the brand I'll be using) about this a while ago. They said it will keep for ages once open. The use-by date on mine is over a year away...they said it will keep till then.