Re: Questions for Wintergreen/anyone who is chelating
Hi Anne,
I started off with a dosage of 16.7 (100 mg divided by 6) and was fine with it. Right now I'm doing 33 mg and still good. Couple of days ago I tried to do 50 mg, and realized very soon I was hitting my limit. Slight headache, and a subjective feeling of "heaviness." Nothing bad, but realized that I should stick with 33 mg.
I'm on a 4 hour schedule right now, and I'll switch to 3 hours when I add in ALA. At that time, I also plan to drop DMSA amount to 25 mg (8x25 = 6x33.3) so I'm taking same total amount per day.
If you get undesirable side effects on DMSA, then I think you should definitely scale back. It just isn't worth it. I might tolerate very minor side effects from ALA, which is more important for mercury poisoning, but not from DMSA.
I don't think small differences in size from dividing the pills matter that much. Just try to get them as close as you can.
Andy would be in a much better position than I to talk about the deterioration of ALA, but I doubt if it is much of an issue, as he didn't mention it in his books that I saw. A related issue would be how long a bottle of ALA would be good for after you open it.