Re: mystery solved!
hi, i believe my original "wormy beans" were if anything, over-cooked pinto beans, i'd soaked them closer to 18-20 hours and then cooked them probably 2.5-3 hours(when the package says to only cook about an hour.. doesn't make sense because they are not that soft after an hour), trying to get them close to refried bean state, nice and soft so my baby would not say "no" to eating them. the photo in my 'mystery solved' post was from another batch of soaked beans, pre-cooked. somehow even after cooking a few hours, those little worm shaped things were still intact. i should have broken some of the beans open to see if they still had that little embryo thingy, instead of throwing out the whole pot. at least one good thing came out of this: because of the parasite scare, i took virgin coconut oil for the first time in awhile and was ok with it, the last time i had some it caused great feeling of illness (detox, candida die-off) and this time, a couple Liver Flushes later, it was fine, so i've been taking some every night.
i'm curious, what is it about undercooked beans (kidney) that can make one sick? are any other beans like that? i'd like to know more, in case i venture out to do many other types of beans. so far i've only cooked chick peas, pintos, black beans, and aduki beans. i've also eaten sprouted mung beans, assuming these were fine.