Re: Turkey+Iodine=Acne
When I started I supplementation last winter I mentioned it to my mother, who said that when she was young (she was born in 1936, so I think this would have been late 1940's -- early 1950's) she was told that
Iodine intake exacerbated acne, and that she and her friends avoided
Iodine for that reason.
I think it is not causal, but correlative with the dairy. My experience since taking
Iodine -- often lots -- and increasing my dairy consumption because of getting a good raw dairy source is that my
Acne has gone away. Period. I suspect that if dairy and
Acne are linked, it is because of the destructive nature of the homogenization/pasteurization process to the milk and its concomitant effect on the body when consumed. The only other thing I have done with any consistency is oil pulling, although I saw the results the most when I started iodine.
I also think it's interesting to look at pre- and post-WWII activity with halides (and food) in general. i.e. how fluoride and bromide and chlorine slowly but surely overtake iodine. In my belief, it is not a coincidence that the post-WWII period has been a time of increasing ill health and chronic illness for Americans. I am not a
Conspiracy theorist (until I think about this too much!).
As for that article, I have to question the knowledge of any practitioner or commentator on health in general who would advise using non-dairy creamer....
We are having a great discussion at the OP forum on iodine, oil and skin health in general if you have time to take a look!
p.s. (in an edit) I should have made it more clear (clarity is always the casualty in my writing b/c of doing a couple of lines at a time and then seeing what havoc is being wrought downstairs by Ann and Merry!) that I think it is REMARKABLE that as early as my mother's girlhood immediately post-WWII there was already some sort of iodophobia in existance. As compared to the writings of Dr. Jarvis (which you can see of, for instance -- that there was seemingly a huge shift from common I prescription to a caution against iodine that reached into the very small and isolated world of my mother's childhood in Atlanta. Something was at work with iodine -- did the powers that be -- and still are -- think that too much iodine as part of diet would make it ineffective against radioactive fallout (that was the beginning of the Cold War), so caution against it? Who knows (and maybe that is the point...). But, there is an immediate post-WWII shift with fluoride -- from the realization that it was a toxic substance to the dumping of it into our water systems. So I always wonder about her comment that " 'They' told us not to take iodine because it would cause acne."
If you follow the thinking and logic here, up until the time when iodine was displaced and replaced by the other halides, iodine should not have caused
Acne for people of my mom's age because they wouldn't have had, say, the acne-esque healing reactions from bromide detox (as they would not have accumulated it -- if I remember correctly, the people who really OD'd on bromines were the people who took bromoseltzer or other forms of bromide were alcoholics, not teenage girls). Anyway, this is all stuff I have been thinking about in the last few months and I have not yet completed my Cl research, but it's why I go from that statement of my mother's to the idea that there was this huge shift between when she was a girl and I was (30 years later) around both iodine and other halides.
Happy Thanksgiving to all....I am in the midst of making two more dinners to take to our folks tomorrow and am putting drops of
Lugol's in various stuff. Will report back on breakouts in family members... ;) I just made a killer cranberry-cayenne-grapefruit-juice-iodine sauce.