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Re: Please help me, I am having the worst time of my life
been there done that Views: 2,434
Published: 18 y
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Re: Please help me, I am having the worst time of my life

After doing any cleansing/flushes, the metabolism needs to restore itself (some loss of minerals and nutrients).

One of the functions of the "Public Citizen" group is that they publish a boo with their evaluation of every medication on the market (about $30 at their website), but they couldn't get the FDA to keep Mircette off the market.

It causes thrombus (blood clots).

Not eating solid foods for a while would ease strain on your digestive system and you could get excellent (superior) nutrition from vegetable juices instead (plus you wouldn't be draining your body of the enormous amount of energy needed for digestion, veg. juice only requires metabolism). Taking oral vitamins might become more inefficient if the colon isn't working well.

Look for mineral deficiencies/imbalance.

Avoid aspertame like the plague. Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) and any artificial flavor enhancer also.

Check all forums here, Sea Salt , apple cider vinegar, etc.




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