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Went to Hospital.....need advice
Joyce F Views: 3,469
Published: 17 y

Went to Hospital.....need advice

I've been taking Wormwood ,homeopathics and using the zapper for the last few weeks because I had another relapse of parasites. I went to the hospital last night because I started
having tremors....uncontrollable shaking.I was starting to feel better a few days before this
and on Friday I had a colonics done .The next morning I woke up at 3am wired and symptoms of toxicity .I went shopping that night with friends and had a real bad dizzy spell like blackout for only a second ..I felt more anxious disoriented as the night went on.Then we went and had dinner and my heart was racing,I felt wired and almost like I was having an anxiety got to the point I had to go outside ,usually if it was a paanic attack it would go away after getting some air .I strarted shaking uncontrollably .I forgot to mention when I started taking the Wormwood a few weeks ago I started getting fluttering in my chest and shortness of breath occassionally and fight or flight symptoms.Anyways after leaving the restaurant I called 911 and
I went to the hospital
and found out my potassium was low. Could that have caused all those symptoms. All other tests were normal.Has anyone out there had anything similar happen from Wormwood or die off. My Dr. Says If I was to have dieoff it would happen within a couple days of treatment and if it was the wormwood I would have gotten the symptoms right away
.I've been home for two days and also started having diahrea and my stmach is making horendous growling I've had no appetite .I felt a touch better today...if I keep busy it helps.Any replys would be greatly appreciated.I have had similar symptoms before due to the parasites or die off.I'm taking pottasium to see if that helps as well.

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