After many years of buying into managed health care of dogs, I have found natural medicine for myself and my pets, and the way I live life has changed. I am lucky enough to live out in the country and have decided to go back to basics. I have done away with vets and doctors. All both want is money. My dogs are healthy and happy, as the other neighborhood dogs. Like children, they roam the neighborhood and stop and play with each other at different houses. We owners don't mind at all and I think it is very sweet. If something should be wrong with one of my dogs, I go to the local feed store and get sound down to earth advice. By the way, colloidal silver cures Parvo and other illnesses, but the dogs in this area are very healthy. Susie and Misty are kept in the house and under close supervision while in heat.
In my little world, I have chosen to go back in time when healing was realistic and down to earth. I am healthier and happier for it. So are my pets.