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Re: Also, how much iodine per day?
pb3046 Views: 5,781
Published: 18 y
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Re: Also, how much iodine per day?

Please google wart warts on the other Iodine forum. There are reports that some have been cured with Lugol's but some have just gotten red and irritated. I believe I remember a report of starting with Iodine and switching to ACV. There are several posts about warts over there. You may also want to post your question there.

What you have from the health food store is 150 mcg. That is the minimum RDA. It is not a therapeutic dose One drop of Lugol's is 6.5mg. There is 1000 mcg in one mg. If you got it from the health food store, it is probably not contaminated, so would be safe for you to take, and maybe even beneficial until you could get some Lugol's. You can order Lugol's from J Crow (see sources of Iodine under FAQs in other forum), or you can take Iodoral (order from Breast Cancer Choices from same FAQ. If you order the Lugol's you can take it internally and also paint with it. Lugol's is made from distilled or purified water. The iodine you buy over the counter can be used to paint with, but it has wood alcohol in it, really not something you want your body to absorb.

Sometimes Lugol's internally works better once you have prepped your body with kelp and painting. Start with one drop Lugol's internally and work your way up. Read all the FAQs on this forum and on the other forum. Especially read all the FAQs on detox. Read about the salt protocol and begin it even before you begin the Lugol's.

If you have never done any cleansing, up your dose very slowly and manage your detox.
I have a friend who has never cleansed and I had her start on one drop twice a week, and even then she had to stop to get her elimination up to three BMs a day before continuing.

Warts are usually due to a virus. You may want to google antivirals. Incidentally, Colloidal Silver and L-lysine are two good antivirals, as well as clove oil - one drop to a liter of water.


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