Joyce F
18 y
Status: R [Message
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anyone have these symptoms?
trouble sleeping then waking at 3 am with wired feeling and restlessness.
occasional feelings of freezing then break out in sweat at night
heart flutters
ringing in ears
light sensitivity
mild depression
off and on constipation
trouble absorbng calcium and protien
hair dry and breaking
dry skin
adrenal rushes
burning flushing in arms and face
overstimulation of clitoris(very embarassing and unbearable)
occasional diahrea
These are most of the symptoms I've had within the last three years since being infected with the B hominus in Guatemala. I was also tested with biofeedback and told I have other
parasites as well as candida.I've been on treatments for almost a year off and on and was about 90% better then had a relapse. I started treament again and am slowly feeling better. It just seems like it's been such a long haul.
It's like fighting a war that I wonder will ever end.
Did you guys know that the people in the bible that were thought to have demons in them actually had parasites? That's what my Doctor told me. I'm beginning to think he was right. Joyce