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Re: Advice please. Finished humaworm

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: Advice please. Finished humaworm

Hi Jenlynn,

I would do the Hulda Clark Liver Flush, that is the one that RG recommends after finishing the Humaworm cleanse. I just finished the liver flush this last Saturday along with a group of people that are following what I am doing which is Humaworm every three months and then waiting 7 days and following it with the Hulda Clark Liver Flush. I have done three Liver flushes so far and all were a success! I got out tons of Chaff and actual Gull Stones. My largest stone was the length of a quarter. I was amazed to see how this huge thing could be trapped in my bile ducts. OMG. The flush is easy for the results that you see. I used a bottle of 100 % grapefruit juice from Trader Joes. I found that to be easier than juicing the real grapefruit. If you can't find Hulda Clarks Liver flush recipe then ask and we can give you the instructions. RG e-mailed them to me so let me know and I can e-mail it to you, like I said if you can't find the instructions. You can find the instructions here in Ask Humaworm under the cleasing icon. And, if the directions are confusing then me or someone else can explain it to you. It really cleans you out and I mean it does the trick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started going bm around 8 p.m. and didn't stop until around 10 p.m. but everyone is different. In the morning after my third dose of grapefruit/epsom salts I was squirting clear liquid with tons of chaff around the edge of the towlet. This is extremely good for your liver and all of your organs will benefit from it. After my first bm, after the third dose the next morning, I started seeing the gullstones floating in the towlet. Lots of them. You can view my gullstones that I got out on my second Hula Clark Liver flush on images in Ask Humaworm under my screen name. My next door neighbor had not done a Humaworm cleanse yet and she didn't start going bm until the next morning but when she started she had to stay near her bathroom the rest of the day. My other two girlfriends and my father all had done a Humaworm cleanse and we all had our first bm around 8 p.m, the first day of the flush. RG has recommended doing a Liver flush before you do his Humaworm cleanse tons of times for people that are sick and have any kind of disease. He said one time that it is like going 4 wheeling and your truck is really muddy so you take it through a car wash to get the outer layer of dirt off then you do the Humaworm cleanse and it details it and polishes it up like new again then after you do the Humaworm cleanse wait 7 days and do another Liver Flush and it is like shining the crome. I liked how he explained it. If you are constipated the epsom salts will open the bile ducts to let the chaff and gullstones roll out and also act as a laxative. For people that have not done the Humaworm cleanse, they might not see any gullstones, they may see chaff which is just as important to get out. Hulda Clark says that you can't get out stones if you have living parasites in your liver. I hope I didn't confuse you, we are all here to help each other. Good luck in what ever cleanse you decide to do. Donna


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