Re: Help
Okay, it's important not to assume that it's MRSA because there are alot more bugs/diseases that are infecting people today (like the bees, Colony Collapse "Disorder"). Dengue fever is now back in the U.S. (I don't know if that causes boils) and we don't know whatever happened with the bedbug scare, but many things develop to become something else (MRSA can develop into the "flesh eating disease", fortunately VERY rare, but from infected water bathing).
The clay and Manuka Honey is probably the best effective treatment (unless you do have
parasites also) because the infection grows mostly on the skin. Garlic is a very good internal cleanser (purifies the blood and kills intestinal parasites). Cayenne pepper is good. Alkalizing the blood is supposed to eradicate disease in the body.
Whichever solution or self-treatment you choose depends on whether you have any chemical sensitivities or allergies to certain kinds of foods.
Keep taking the
Antibiotics you were given for the full seven days and do not skip any of the doses because the doses must be a constant "barrage" against what it's killing. After the seven days, also take some PRObiotics for your intestinal flora (the GOOD bacteria that the
Antibiotics ALSO killed). Continued use of
Antibiotics after the seven days will weaken your immune system by killing more flora and allowing you to become more sick (but garlic will only kill the BAD bacteria, not the GOOD flora, also cayenne, etc. kills only the BAD).
All kinds of honey have been used on wounds for thousands of years, but Manuka is a modern discovery from New Zealand and the U.K. hospitals have used it successfully for MRSA (specially strong for Methycilln Resitant Staph. Aereus). Alot of information has been withheld from us because the doctors and drug companies in the USA want to make money.
Most MRSA comes from hospitals (called "hospital aquired" MRSA, or "HA" MRSA). This may/better effect your decision to go to a hospital. The other kind is called "comunity aquired" MRSA (can come from soil, environment, animals can get it).
Look at your fingernails to discover mineral deficiencies.
Be aware that if you have allergies to bee products, honey is not an alternative.
The medical profession in the USA is not the best place for health research and advice because they just want to make money, England has gov't. health insurance and the gov't. pays when somebody gets sick, so they really do better research over there. When you go this site (pdf file), press CTRL F (control key + F), enter COPPER and press enter 4 times.
Necrotizing fascittus is rare (so far).
Don't combine aspirin with medication.
FOOD GRADE (always make sure it's FOOD GRADE) Diatomaceous Earth is good for detox (if you have heavy metals, parasites, etc.).
Probiotics have been used for MRSA.