Week One for me...
first week eating in a warrior diet style... felt pretty good overall, and was really easy during the work week. i kinda blew it this weekend #1 because i woke up on saturday morning for some reason ABSOLUTELY FAMISHED so i made myself a huge spinach salad with avocado and pumpkin seeds, etc and #2 because i was kinda trapped at home, and making meals for my daughter at regular mealtimes, etc.
anyway, if i can eat WD style throughout the work week and mix it up a bit on the weekends, for now i'm pretty happy with that. am interested to see if this will result in continued weight loss. crossing fingers.
a bit confused about the "recovery meal" thing... i work out in the morning EARLY (4am) and don't want to break my "fast" too soon by eating something, but don't want to catabolize new muscle growth either. not sure which way to go. i've been eating a banana about 15 min after, and then munching on raw fruits and veggies throughout the day. don't really want to throw proteins/fats in there too early in the morning, but am open to suggestions of more experienced WDers.