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  Views: 2,077
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 104,054


Fuit can be your Best Friend or your worst enemy !!! if you are full of mercury fillings then fruit will stir up that mercury throwing it into the smallest viens and make you sick n dizy and whatevr else , metals will come out your skin and irritate you extreamly , because most ALL people are clogged in the bowels the fruit can not eliminate the toxins !!!
If your mercury free then Halalulia Fruit is now a very valuable tool.
Fruit must be use wisely , the more toxins in you and the more clogged up you are then the less fruit should be eatin and concentrate on distiled water , fresh vegies , sprouts , get that bowel flowing !!!
This is why MH sais DILUTE your orange juice into distilled water as it is ALL ABOUT THE SPEED AT WICH EACH PERSON CAN ELIMINATE TOXINS.
when you are much cleaner then you can certainly eat nothing but fruit the rest of your life !!! and even better eat the sun !!!


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