Re: vegetarian
I won't tell you to change from being a vegetarian, I also was one years ago. What made me switch was taking classes at a health food store, using substitute meats, they offered, which tasted so real, the real was less expensive. So went back.
I would suggest, if you have a lot of health problems, or you are greatly obese,you may want to consider switching. Sure you can eliminate wheat, kidneybeans, corn, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower etc from your diet, but than what do you have left. Is that healthy eating where you will be able to get what you need in your body. I know I tried this grain eating stuff, with veggies, and fruits, and I really did not feel good. I started eating steak and eggs for breakfast, sometimes adding brocolli, or portabello mushrooms and onions 1 egg a day or 3 egg whites=1 egg + 4
oz meat(remember no pig) you may want to also have 1 cup of pineapple juice 1/2 hour before eating breakfast, it helps the meat break down and digest and leave the body. It is also a durietic, in our body. Most days I have prunes at breakfast also between 1-3. Thats four fruit servings already. We should have five. Breakfast should be our largest meat. "O" cannot have dairy products either. But they can have rice milk and I think soy (but check on that one to make sure) There may be the possibility of getting enough protein from certain vegetarian items, but someone else will have to tell you if thats the same benefits as eating meat, seafood, poultry. Walnuts and almonds, also good for "O"
Good Luck, Hope I helped to some extent.