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Re: What do I do? Mirena and it's effects
lisbethanjo Views: 1,053
Published: 18 y
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Re: What do I do? Mirena and it's effects

I am sorry to hear about your problems. I too was in terrible pain with the mirena, finally after a lot of thought and discussion with my hsuband i had it removed 1 week ago. I could no longer stand the frustration emotionally and physically with this. i made an appt at planned parenthood, due to no insurance and had it removed the next day. I was physically sick iwth emotion due to having this thing removed, i was so worried that something was going to go wrong with removal especially since i was having done by a nurse and not a doctor. Everything went well and 1 week later i feel like a different woman! I finally had a normal period 2 days after removal, period lasted about 4 days and i feel like i am back on track to having a normal healthy life. I am not really for sure what i would do in your situation but i do understand your frustration and the anxiety with having just the "hospital" removal. However, I don't think that they would do anything that they weren't for sure about. It is a pretty simple procedure, however if they are unable to find strings, i wouldn't let them touch me until a "doctor" had a look at the situation and circumstances. Hope this helps and good luck to you! Lisbeth


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