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What do I do? Mirena and it's effects
sunshine84 Views: 1,560
Published: 18 y

What do I do? Mirena and it's effects

Ok well It first started when I got an MIRENA IUD after I had my daughter by C-section.
I have now had it just under a year. This has been a nightmare! All this time I have been suffering with all of these symptoms and never even thought this way any way attributed to the IUD! The worst was not having period ! HORRIBLE back pain, pelvic pain , constant feeling of needing to urinate, pain during and after intercourse, sleeplessness, severe stomach bloating. As of last night I almost pulled it out myself it was SO BAD! Out of no where I started getting a horrible prodding pain , when I walked, when I sat, when I picked my daughter up! My stomach looked like I was 4 months pregnant! I was so swollen! It felt as If I were in the beginning stage of labor. As if I was getting an infection and this thing wanted out!I feel overall this thing could possibly even cause some damage if I continue to keep it any longer. It's now Saturday and I'm not at all sure what to do about this. My doctor wont be back until Tuesday and the Hospital won't even answer any questions over the phone! Then not to mention If I do go to the hospital there is that worry they aren't familiar with the IUD and cause more damage getting it out! I am terrified that this is causing some major tearing and scarring to my insides . It was just always easier to ignore the symptoms and deal with it not to have the worry about getting pregnant, now that I am reading all of the horrible experiences what should I do????

Do I take a chance and go to the Hospital where they could possibly make it worse!
Do I wait until Tuesday for the return of my Doctor whom strongly suggested against this option in the first place!

If this method continues to be available, I can imagine MIRENA will be handling ALOT of lawsuits in the future!


Any suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Or ANYONE that relates !



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