Re: constipated dad needs help
Hi Knowledgequest,
Let me tell you a constipated dad, medical nightmare! My father lives alone, 135 miles from me, 90 miles from my brothers and the closest hospital. However there is a small town clinic 25 miles from where he lives.
Let me first off start with the good news ok? He has had "sluggish" bowels, and constipation problems for years. When he travels it is worse. But, the good news is that when I started colon cleansing/
parasite cleansing- he was interested himself and started taking the herbal colon cleanser the Alt. Medicine Dr. had got me started on. Cascara Sagrada works well. The formula of it that the Alt Med Dr gave me is called Cascara Plus, and there's also some senna in it. I just take one at bedtime. Along with that, he has had me taking Fiber Fusion before bed, and when I wake up, and Okra Pepsin, which he told me was supposed to help heal things in the gut, but also loosen the mucoid plaque. Dad even passed mucoid plaque on the herbals! He now just takes it several times a week, but he also has a good diet for a single person. He eats alot of salads and vegetables and fruit, and little meat, hardly any refined sugar. He eats a little dairy, but not alot. He's started drinking distilled water.
So, this is the hellish story-
He found out shortly after my mom died, that he had prostate cancer. The Dr/hospital where he needed to go was 6 hours from where he lives. When we were going in for a preliminary appt with the Dr, dad was eating nuts, fritos etc when we would stop at convenience stores along the way. Probably drinking pop, not much water. We spent the night, and came on home the next day- he went on the rest of the way home in his own car. I did not know the rest of the story until he told me 2 days later...
When he got home, he hadn't had a bowel movement the whole trip. He was sitting down to eat a bowl of soup, and got a horrible pain in his stomach. He said he about passed out. He called the ambulance for himself! The ambulance got him to the small town clinic- and the rest will make you never want to go to "medical Dr's" again. He knew it was an obstructed bowel.
When he arrived at the clinic, the woman Dr. was asking him about what he had been doing, he told her he had been to the Dr. for prostate cancer...she freaking put a CATHETER in him because he had mentioned prostate. AND, she told him to go home with it IN him! He KNEW it was an obstructed bowel! He asked her, as she was getting her coat on to leave WHAT ABOUT THE BOWEL OBSTRUCTION? And she gave him the little green bottle of magnesium _____ gosh, what is it, my mind is blank. Costs less than $2.00 in the store over the counter.
So..they take him home, WITH the catheter still in him- back to his home 25 miles from town where he lives alone! The obstructed bowel was pressing on the urinary tract- along with the catheter being in there- which wasn't a kidney/urinary problem to begin with. He said he felt like he was going to burst, and knew that if he didn't get that damned catheter out of there, that he was going to die. He yanked the catheter out of there, with the bubble still inflated! And he said urine, and blood etc went all over the place- his urinary tract was also blocked! He drank the bottle of magnesium citrate, isn't that it?, and he could feel the bowels trying to poop out that huge think in there. He said he felt sick to his stomach, again, about passed out, and finally passed the big wad of fecal that was obstructing the bowel.
NOT ONCE did that woman "Dr" call to see how he was doing, not even checking on him for the catheter she had sent him home with stuck in him! He literally could have died had he not toughed it out and pulled the catheter out of there like he did, and passed the fecal plug. Thank goodness when he had asked her "what about this bowel obstruction" she had given him the bottle of magnesium citrate at least.
So, even after going through the nightmare- he is now on the road to a healthy colon, and is feeling better than he has for years, and is happy to be pooping so easily without straining, and pooping regularly- several times a day.
You'll hear different things about the herbals- but Cascara helps the muscles have the "urge" to work, and like my dad, and my 50 year old brother got started on it when he was complaining about his ever growing belly he couldn't diet away- they have been amazed at how much fecal matter their colon has had in it. They also have been taking a fiber supplement, night and morning with it too.
Cascara costs less than $5.00 a bottle- get him started on Omega 3's, eating fresh vegetables and fruits- and the old standby that works- prune juice, or eating prunes works- and drinking lots of distilled water.
He might feel cramping for the first couple of weeks with the cascara, and he'll have the "urge" to go after he eats- but he will be amazed at how full of poop he's been when it all starts coming out. Some people say just take cascara for 10 days- my Alt. Med Dr. and Barefoot say it's not something to worry about for dependency. Barefoot's LBB contains it too, and would be a good product.