HOW, thank you for posting this. I had painted my abdomen in the hopes of melting some fat there. All I got was dry skin for my effort, and I was going to respond to Hopinso that maybe if it is going to work it works right away or not at all. But now I am going to go back to painting my abdomen and keep it up for months if necessary and if it peels so what! Face peeling is now a million dollar business, isn't it?
Thanks for hope. I encourage those who try painting to post their results. I questioned this when I started Iodine and got very little response.
For sore joints/muscles, if anyone lives close to a Latin store, there is a liniment called arnica which really helps. I have not had as good luck with the homeopathic, but others have. The liniment put on several times a day is wonderful; I used it on my mother when she had been bedbound and just starting to do leg exercises. If there are any Hispanics around you, ask them where they shop, and go there to check.