Parasite riddle
Hello alltogether!
At first I want to apologise for my bad english. I am from Germany.......
Here comes my problem. My wife and I have the following problems since abaout 3 months (after a holiday on the Seychelles):
- nausea (particularly in the morning)
- abdominal cramping (mostly the first 2 month)
- diarrhea (at the beginning very often but meanwhile about one time a week) or soft and bright stool (always)
- bowel movement most of the time directly after getting up in the morning
- we feel very often dizzy and tired
- the most interesting thing: inflammation of both eyes (I think it is uveitis)
The doctors made a gestroscopy and a coloscopy (one month ago) but nothing was found. The first blood tests and stool tests were also without any findings (Lamblia etc.).
But then they found a high Immunoglobulin E level in my blood (instead of under 100 it was at 2333). My wife has a normal level (very confusing). After that a doctor found Blastocystis Hominis in the stool of my wife and me. My wife now takes a drug named Humantin Pulvis against Blasto. She feels a little bit better but we are not shure yet if it will realy help us. I will start my therapy next week (I have another doctor).
The question that I have is the following: Can Blasto realy cause these problems (mainly the high Immunoglobulin E level and the inflammation of eyes)? I ask because I could not find any indication in relation to these 2 facts. And if Blasto can not be responsible for these 2 problems. What parasite, bacteria or virus could do this to us? Our doctors seem to be overstrained and I would like to say them what they should test for to find all reasons for our problems.
So thats it for now. I hope you could understand my descriptions and I thank everyone in advance for your tips.
Best regards