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Re: Can Someone Give Me Advice?-jcrows, I would Appreciate Your Opinion
jcrows Views: 1,609
Published: 18 y
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Re: Can Someone Give Me Advice?-jcrows, I would Appreciate Your Opinion

In addition to what you are doing now, try and warm your kidney's and lower back area.There are a number of ways to do this externally. If you have a wood stove stove sit with your back up close to it. If you can heat some stones put them in a sock and hold them or lie on them at you kidney area. If you can get some moxa stickers put them on the channel leading down your leg or get someone to use a moxa stick and move it up and down the sciatica channel that is bothering you. Internally, try using a small amount of cayenne in the drink you are using.Not too much, just enough to taste the heat of it. Finally, after bathing or using the stones or moxa or anytime you can take the time to simply relax, lie on a wood floor and do alot of stretching with nice deep breathing. Let all of your tensions release
themselves from their grip on you.


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