I have been in almost unbearable pain for the last couple of weeks. Its the same old pain going down the sciatic route on my left leg, my "good" leg. I have gotten some good results with the AVC, honey and Iodine drink jcrows credited to Dr. Jarvis in his forum. What I am wondering is if it would be safe and effective to mix up a batch of this drink so I can sip on it all day at work. I really don't have a place to make fresh drinks without a whole lot of questions. I bought a good quality 24 ounce plastic (we must use plastic, not glass)container that is opaque. What I was thinking of doing is mix three tablespoons of ACV, one tablespoon of raw honey, and 4-6 drops of Lugols. However, I am not sure how stable this solution would be, and want to be sure I am not brewing up something potentially dangerous. Can anyone advise me? Thanks