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Re: water vs. juice fast, which is better?
My experience and that of others written down over the last hundred years that I have read state fairly consistently that you are most likely to feel hunger and cravings for the first few days at most. After that both hunger and cravings pretty much disappear. On my first long term fast I had days where I would imagine eating one thing, such as a boiled egg (which as a vegetarian/vegan I rarely ate) and the imagination was so strong that I just walked around for a day or so tasting it in my mouth. But there was no temptation to actually eat it along with the experience.
In my recent experience however I have found that eating raw food before a fast there is virtually no cravings on starting a fast. I have entered each of my recent 7-14 day fasts feeling full and hydrated and with no desire for food at all. With any luck your 10 day juice fast will have been the perfect preparation also for a water fast, and if you choose to change then you will have a very easy transition also.
Most research I've done suggests
Water Fasting is much more effective than juice fasting, with dry fasting being the most efficient of them all- but that's another story!
Good luck!